They are not. They are divided according to how they were started, i.e., with regard to the type of combustion material. They are divided into 5 classes that indicate the basic types of fire:
Class A – solid substance fires (wood, straw, plastic, paper…)
Class B – flammable liquid fires (petrol, oil, paints, varnishes…)
Class C – flammable gas fires (methane, propane, butane, acetylene…)
Class D – combustible metal fires (aluminium, sodium, potassium, magnesium…)
Class F – cooking oils and fats fires
Not every fire extinguisher is intended for every class of fire; therefore, before using the extinguisher, it is crucial to detect the cause of the fire and check whether the class markings on the device correspond to the fire that has broken out.
There is no universal means for extinguishing all types of fires. Therefore, depending on the type of fire, it is necessary to use an adequate extinguishing agent.
Fire extinguishing agents are divided into 3 categories: primary, special, and auxiliary. The main extinguishing agent is water. Special agents include foam, carbon dioxide, powder, etc. Auxiliary extinguishing agents include blankets, sand, etc.
Svaki vatrogasni aparat na sebi sadrži kratke ilustrirane upute za korištenje. Za aktiviranje većine aparata potrebna su tek 2 ili 3 osnovna koraka ovisno o modelu, koja je dobro proučiti i prije nego se nađete pred vatrenim izazovom. Donosimo upute modela namijenjenih korištenju u kućanstvu.
Yes! Proper maintenance and servicing of fire extinguishers is essential for their correctness and functionality when used in life-threatening moments. Periodic inspection and annual servicing is also prescribed by the Fire Protection Act and related by-laws.
Every 3 months, the user of the device is obliged to inspect the device and see if everything on it is correct.
Periodic service must be performed at least once a year by an authorized person from the manufacturer and/or importer of fire extinguishers.
The internal inspection of the apparatus must be done at least every 5 years, or every 2 years for apparatus older than 15 years, also exclusively by a person authorized by the manufacturer and/or importer of fire extinguishers.
It is essential to take the device to the service after each use or activation!
The quantity and type of fire extinguishers is selected depending on the area for which the fire extinguishers are purchased. The following parameters must be taken into account:
1. level of fire danger (small, medium, large)
2. type of space (industrial, retail, office, trade, home, etc.)
3. expected fire classes (A, B, C, D, F or fires of electrical devices)
4. square footage of the space and fire hazard
5. fire extinguisher capacity
Novačka 2
pon-pet 7.00-15.00
Selska ulica 90A (iz Hruševečke)
pon – pet od 8:00-16:00
01/ 3690 110
Milutina Barača 58
pon – pet od 7:00-15:00
051/ 261 031
Andrije Kačića Miošića 9
pon – pet od 7:00-15:00
031/ 201 028